Saturday, February 19, 2011

Recharge and Refresh

As I'm sitting here, my house is buzzing with a sound not often's quiet, almost too quiet. The kids spent the night at their Grandma's house last night, so I could go out with the girls. I came home at 2 AM, slept until 8:30...a true dream for this mom. Do I miss them yet? I'll be honest, and I'll say it, nope, not yet. Maybe in an hour or two, but not yet.
I had the morning to myself, ate breakfast, had my coffee, and read an entire magazine! Oh, and did I mention, I'm going to get my hair cut today too! Not in my kitchen, not at WalMart. A real salon with women in black shirts, and glasses, not cups, of water with lemon. Wow! Life IS good for this mom!
I often have this lingering "mom guilt" surrounding me, but not today. Today is for ME! Moms, all mom's, need a day to recharge and refresh. This makes me a better person, and therefore a better mom.
I have called and checked on the kids, they are fine. Slept in for Grandma, ate breakfast, and are watching Phineas and Ferb.
So, now I will sit in my quiet house...listiening to the glorious sound of nothing.

1 comment:

  1. oh, I am so jealous, but GOOD FOR YOU! I am hoping P will let me away from her soon. Will it ever happen again?

    It's fine not to miss your kids for a few hours. I would do anything to be alone sometimes! Hope you have a great salon trip!
